Epic Scale, Showcase

Showcase: Epic Imperial Guard

Heyho, as promised it’s Imperial Guard today! This force is a little lighter on troops but has some more fun stuff and variation in it. Let’s see what we got here: … There are three stands of infantry (with a Lascannon each even) plus a…

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Epic Scale, Showcase

Showcase: Epic Ultramarines

Hi people, today it’s Ultramarines! Three Land Raiders, four Rhinos and eight combat squads of Marines. Nothing special, all from the Space Marine box as well. One thing I forgot to mention before is that these models are meant to be played with and I…

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Epic Scale, Showcase

Showcase: Epic Eldar

Here’s the next Epic-scaled force already! This time it’s good old Eldar. Four stands of Guardians, one of them along with a Warlock leader, a stand of Wraithguard and four Grav Tanks. These models are a mix of Space Marine starter box (the Guardians on…

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Epic Scale, Showcase

Showcase: Epic Chaos Space Marines

Hello guys, to kickstart -to use a popular term these days – a little series on very small (hurhur) forces I did over the past few days here’s a picture of a bunch of Chaos Space Marines. The models are second edition Space Marine (as…

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Editorial, Epic Scale

Chat: 1997 Epic 40,000

Inspired by Rev’s retro 40k post, I thought I’d share one of my recent eBay purchases, the Epic 40,000 boxed game. I’m a sucker for old skool Games Workshop stuff. Especially if I use to own it… the reason I had to buy it again…

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