Showcase: Seekers of Slaanesh for Hedonites of Slaanesh/Chaos Daemons
In this post I’m sharing some pictures of my newly finished Seekers of Slaanesh. I talk about my army building plans and include a link for my Seekers of Slaanesh painting tutorial.
Showcase: Chaos Daemons Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (incl. paint recipes)
In today’s post I’ll share my finished Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster along with paint recipes and links to previous tutorials I used to paint this towering monster of rage incarnate.
Showcase: Bloodcrushers of Khorne
Hellblade wielding Bloodletters astride a rampaging Juggernaut is the stuff of nightmares. These Bloodcrushers are led by a Bloodhunter, they’re keen to use their Decapitating Blow to take the Skulls for Khorne. I’m not sure how many skulls are going to be left intact after the Brazen Hooves have trampled the enemy to mush.
Showcase: Warcry Daemons of Khorne Warband
Last week I painted this Khorne Daemon Warcry Warband. I used models from the Wrath and Rapture boxed game to make this 1000pt Warcry Warband. I thought I’d lay down my Warcry and Age of Sigmar plans in this blogpost, kinda like a project blueprint…