My previous attempts at basing my Chaos Chosen models fell a bit flat with the readers of Tale of Painters. I just couldn’t find the correct base rim colour to match the rusty chequer plate tops. I invested a lot of time cutting those plasticard base tops to make 30ish bases so it was pretty hard to admit defeat and remove all of them. I’m happier with these new desert bases. Read on to find out how I created them and what this means for project Black Legion.
I bought a box of skellies to decorated the bases with sun bleached bones and skulls. I’m also using GW arid static grass and their new tufts of grass, which are really cool. This project has been full of false starts. The biggest one being painting a Helbrute and then deciding I don’t like the colour scheme. I sold it on ebay for £19 and bought another one still on sprue for £10 unpainted. This new Helbrute will be painted in Black Legion colours using my own tutorial. I’m hoping once I have finished the Hobbit and Tyranid Attack I will be able to break into my Black Legion and Necron projects and really get moving with them.
Cristina, I almost deleted you thinking you were a googlebot spamming our site. I clicked your link and was pleasantly surprised to see you're actually a miniature painter.
We have a blog network, you should join that.
i like your Blog!
Anf i like your works!
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See you soon! ^^
hmm, slate you say…get to play with hammers you sau….hehehehehe. ahem, i should state i am a grown man lol.
I bought a hot glue gun for making molds for silicone but yet to use it, never thought as a sub for superglue.
I have slate knocking about so will give that a go.
thanks chief.
Don't carve slate from milliput. Buy a bag of slate chips from a garden centre and use a hot glue gun to stick them to your bases. You can use a hammer to break up slate into smaller chips.
How about city fighting bases? Grey and brown rubble would be nice against deathwing armour.
Looking good, i am looking at sorting out a scheme for making bases for my DW force, i am torn between doing the ususal tan drybrushed sort of sand as seen in your DA tutorial i have used on my GK's.
I would rather avoid buying resin bases, as they often dont have the style i like, and a good home made base is a lovely thing.
Any thoughts on colourstyles for deathwing, a good bone contrast but not just brown.
Carving 30 slate style bases out of milliput could send me mad 🙂
I didn't have any problems with the old bases…but the new ones do look nicer with the increased contrast
There are two tutorials on painting Orks. A dark gritty way done by Sigur and a brighter cleaner option done by myself. Check out the tutorials link on the right or use the search feature at the top of this page.
When you're writing your posts, to the right of the insert video icon (clapper board) is the insert jump break button. The icon looks likes a page with a tear through the middle of it.
Thank you so much!
They look a lot better Stahly! Do you think you could do a painting tutorial for Orks or is their already one up?
One last thing how do you get the more after the jump button, I am starting a blog and I want my readers to see the introduction and a picture and then click on the link. Thank you.
Looking good! I had a similar issue with the bases on a Necromunda gang where I used that plasticard to cover the base tops. I think your solution looks better.
I'm sure plasticard bases work better on models with a lipped base so the edge of the plasticard is hidden (such as with Warmachine or Urban War models). A compass cutter makes it easy to cut perfect circles for sure!
They look amazing.
Better than the old ones, there is more contrast between the models and the base. I'd have used a more yellowish static grass as on my Eldar: I think this would compliment the yellow freehands better.
A vast improvement over the older bases, and worth the effort. I really like the contrast. Good work!