After yesterday’s look at the T’au Empire Boarding Patrol, today we unbox and review Boarding Patrol: Orks. This new box set has a bunch of recent Ork kits, plus a brand-new plastic version of Boss Snikrot. Let’s find out more in this review.

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Photo of the Boarding Patrol: Orks box with Boss Snikrot on the front
This item was kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

Boarding Patrol: Orks will be available for preorder starting Saturday, March 5, 2023, and go on sale one week after. Unlike Combat Patrol sets, it’s very likely that these boxes won’t become a permanent addition to the range and are only available while stocks last.

All the models from Boarding Patrol Orks
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited, used without permission

In the box you will find:

  • The new Boss Snikrot
  • 10 Ork Kommandos (plus a bomb Squig and Grot)
  • 10 Beast Snagga Boyz
  • 5 Flash Gitz
  • 2 of the new Ork transfer sheets

Plastic Boss Snikrot review

All of Snikrot’s parts fit on a single small sprue and the model is placed on a 40mm base. As usual for character models, Snikrot is monopose without any posing options. The model has three head options though, a bare head, a face wearing night googles, and another head with the night vision device pushed onto the forehead. There is also an optional smoke grenade for the base.

Boss Snikrot's plastic sprue from Boarding Patrol Orks
Boss Snikrot sprue

The new Boss Snikrot stays true to the old Finecast model. Snikrot became a touch bigger and the details are a bit sharper and more precise thanks to the plastic casting, but otherwise, almost all the details can be found again. The three heads are a nice addition, but I would have preferred an alternative left arm to mimic the iconic “shhh” pose of the old model.

The other stuff

The new Kommandos are a perfect match for Snikrot. Since their box is like all Kill Teams quite expensive, they are a welcome addition. The Flash Gitz have been in a few boxes now, but as Freebootaz they fit into the Space Hulk setting. I don’t know what Beast Snaggaz are doing in a boarding party though. I would have preferred more Kommandos instead. At least the models are fairly new, so the box isn’t cluttered with some of the more ancient kits of the Orks range.


As mentioned in our T’au Empire Boarding Patrol review from yesterday, we have to get used to models being exclusively available to large box sets. As Boarding Patrols will likely not be a long-term part of the range, Boss Snikrot will very likely be released individually at some point. Be aware that I’ve heard that due to ongoing supply problems, the Tau and Ork Boarding Patrols are only being delivered in small numbers. So don’t think too long about buying them, they could sell out quickly.

We don’t know how much Snikot will be on his own, but I expect him to be £25 like the Warboss in Mega Armour or even £27.50 like Zodgrod Wortsnagga. Based on that, adding up the prices of the individual sets, with an RRP of £85 / 110€ you get a discount of about 40%, which is pretty nice for a collection of rather recent kits.

You can find the new Warhammer 40.000 Boarding Patrols at our partner stores Wayland GamesElement Games, Firestorm Games, and Taschengelddieb. With an additional discount of up to 20% over RRP, these boxes become even more attractive.

I hope you found this review helpful, feel free to leave a reaction or comment below, or post your questions here or discuss on our Discord channel.



  • Brand-new Boss Snikrot
  • Snikrot comes with three head options
  • All kits are rather new, no overlaps with the Combat Patrol


  • Beast Snaggas don't really fit the boarding party theme
  • Flash Gitz have been featured quite a lot in discount sets

Final Verdict

As yet another character model only available in a big box set, Boss Snikrot has snuck into the new Boarding Patrol: Orcs. The new model is great, but the composition of the units in the box doesn't really fit together thematically.