Showcase: Sons of Kharadriss Primaris Sergeant
Hi all! Today I would like to present my first painted Primaris Space Marine from the Dark Imperium box set. It’s painted in the colours of my self-invented Space Marine chapter: The Sons of Kharadriss. I also came up with a little bit of background,…
Showcase: Scythes of the Emperor Primaris Reivers by Lecoqadoodledo
Hello everyone! I’m back with Reivers from First Strike that I finished a month or so ago, with the refined scheme from the test Scythes of the Emperor Primaris I posted up a while back. This is definitely the finalised scheme, and I really enjoyed…
Showcase: Scythes of the Emperor Intercessor by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey guys, Lecoqadoodledo back with another Primaris test model. This is the last one though, as I’m pretty set on doing a Scythes of the Emperor force. The inspiration came from both the awesome colour scheme, and the fact that they are the most deserving…
Showcase: Blood Raven Primaris Marine by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey guys, Lecoqadoodledo here with a recent project. I and several others were asked to paint up a Primaris Marine each for our local store, in various schemes to show off the new sculpt. I decided on Blood Ravens because I’ve always liked the colour…
Showcase: Space Marines Assault Terminators Squad by Tripwire
Tripwire is back with a gallery of my elite, close combat unit, the Emperor’s malice. My space marine force lacked any real close combat punch, so I finished these terminators earlier in the year. I painted them white, to stand out from my main force,…
Showcase: Ahazra Redth, The Dust Prophet
Full disclosure: Before I was asked to do this mini I had no idea this special character even existed. One of the most prolific contributors to DakkaDakka contacted me a few weeks ago. We had been chatting on the site a few times, he follows…
Showcase: Red Scorpions Heavy Support by RD Minis
It’s Ben from RD Minis back again with the final part of the Red Scorpions showcase, last up it’s the heavy support. I wanted to include several centrepiece models and Forgeworlds large models certainly fit that bill. Both the Fellblade and Spartan are excellent models,…
Showcase: Red Scorpions Fast Attack by RD Minis
Hey, Ben from RD Minis again with number five in the Red Scorpions showcase and the Fast attack section. As with the Vanguard veterans in the Elites the Assault squads also have flying stands cut to size and drilled and pinned to give the impression…
Showcase: Red Scorpions Troops by RD Minis
Ben from RD Minis back with the fourth in the series detailing my Red Scorpions. This time it’s the troops. I’ve used elements from across the main GW range and Forgeworlds to try to give each marine or vehicle it’s own character, I also bought…
Showcase: Red Scorpions Elites by RD Minis
Ben from RD Minis with the third post detailing my Red Scorpions. The elites section is next on the list, check out more pictures after thejump. Most of the Dreadnoughts have alternative weapon options painted up for different load outs, theres also an original Rogue…
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