In this tutorial, I explain in seven easy to follow steps how to paint your Warcry scenery pieces to match the pale green tiles and grey gravel of the Warcry gaming board.

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This tutorial assumes you have a good understanding of how to paint. Underneath each picture are the corresponding instructions. Each step shows the paint(s) I used during that step. I have a rather eclectic paint collection, so when I use a non-GW or OOP paint, I’ll try to provide you with suitable alternatives from the current Citadel paint range [in brackets].

Paints you will need for this tutorial:
Kabalite Green
Sons of Horus Green
Deepkin Flesh
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Longbeard Grey
Contrast Medium
Skeleton Bone
Army Painter Angel Green Colour Primer and Warpaint [or Caliban Green]
Army Painter Dark Tone Wash [or Nuln Oil]
Army Painter Strong Tone Wash [or Agrax Earthshade]

If you need to expand your paint collection to follow the tutorial, check out our partner stores Wayland Games and Element Games, which offer an amazing range of paint brands at decent discounts.

1. Undercoat your model with Angel Green Colour Primer from The Army Painter.
Give the can a good shake and, for this specific Color Primer, use short bursts at a 20 to 30 cm distance. Use the matching Angel Green Warpaint to reach any nooks and crannies not covered by the spray. You can also use Caliban Green when sticking to Citadel paints.
2. Give the terrain piece a heavy drybrush with Kabalite Green to add a jade
green hue. I used a soft makeup brush with a rounded top, and, on the flat
parts, I used more of a stippling technique to build up a gradient. If you can’t get your hand at some makeup brushes, The Army
Painter also has a new set of round top “Masterclass” drybrushes that work very well for this task.
3. Drybrush the whole piece with Sons of Horus Green.
4. Drybrush again with Death Guard Green, this time, keep the drybrush a bit lighter.

5. To add a dusty appearance, drybrush with Dawnstone but keep it to a couple
of random spots.
6. Add a final gentle drybrush with Deepkin Flesh.
7. Paint the grey rubble with Mechanicus Standard Grey, drybrush with Longbeard Grey,
then apply a wash of 1:1 Strong Tone [Agrax Earthshade] and Dark Tone Wash [Nuln Oil] from The Army Painter, and also add a bit of Contrast Medium.
Basecoat the skulls with Corax White, then wash with a 1:1:1 mix of Army
Painter Strong Tone Wash [Agrax Earthshade], Skeleton Bone contrast paint, and Contrast Medium,
then drybrush with Vallejo Model Color White [White Scar].

If you want an even closer match to the tiles printed on the board, use a mix of Army Painter Angel Green [Caliban Green] and Sons of Horus Green for step two, and if you are familiar with weathering powders, you can achieve an even more realistic effect by adding some grey pigments in step five instead of drybrushing.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. This technique is easily adaptable to any scenery piece, you could paint the Azyrite Ruins that come in the Warcry and Warcry Catacombs starter sets in this jade green scheme, or check out Garfy’s tutorials for pale green ruins and sand-stone coloured ruins for some more inspiration.