Showcase: Blood Bowl Chaos
I made this team long before the new GW WFB beastmen arrived and should probably update it – however I love the chaos warriors so much that I still play the team often. What I love about this team is it’s simplicity. You get punished…
WIP: Caestus Assault Ram
I don’t normally post WIP’s, preferring to post fully finished minis – HOWEVER – I’m feeling a bit left behind by Garfy’s excellent airbrushed spider, Sigur’s not one but TWO forgeworld pre-heresy rhinos and Stahly with his huge great rat mutant thing. So here it…
Showcase: Blood Bowl Dryads
OK so there’s no such thing as a Dryad Blood Bowl team – but a Dryad proxy woodelf team? Yes please! The lighter ‘ash’ trees at the back are the catchers and the autumnal orange at the front are the wardancers. With this team I…
Showcase: Blood Bowl Orcs
I love Blood Bowl. If you follow my work you’ll know that while I paint two or three 40k armies a year, not to mention a hatful of commissions I very rarely play the game. Blood Bowl is a different matter. Give me a choice…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Assault
5 Assault marines round 0ff the force as it stands making for a total of 40 infantry of various types. While I remember vaguely that 5 strong squads are quite fragile, I only had 5 f the original metal RT jump packs left over from…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Devestators
Here are the heavy hitters in this Thousand Sons force – ready to smash some Space Wolves in the face. Are those original plastic RT missile launchers you see? YES! Am I trying to fob you off with the same heavy bolter marine from my…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons 3
This is the third and final full strength tactical squad making a total of 30 tactical marines in the army. Those kind of numbers help me sleep at night. This squad is an indulgence in that I’ve included a special and heavy weapon (gasp!) but…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons 2
I’m a big fan of large tactical squads – and most of my armies feature at least 2 full squads if not more. It just appeals to me. I don’t mind a few specialists in a marine army, but unless I’m playing Eldar (when I…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons 1
This army falls into the ‘has been around for ages’ category, in that I started it about 2 years ago. I built it and then it sat built while I remained indecisive about a paint scheme. Once I’d decided on a scheme it sat undercoated…
Showcase: Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount
The third of three WFB pieces to show you early in 2012. This is a simply wonderful model, but if ever something needed casting in finecast this is it, fortunately it’s now cast in the light resin you either love or hate, but unfortunately for…