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This is the third and final full strength tactical squad making a total of 30 tactical marines in the army. Those kind of numbers help me sleep at night. This squad is an indulgence in that I’ve included a special and heavy weapon (gasp!) but who can resist the good old running heavy bolter marine.
The bases are from Voodoworx who I can thoroughly recommend. I ordered around 50 bases and each one was cleaned of flash and sanded – amazing! The scheme is based loosely around what I think the streets or a temple on Tisca might look like. I guess that makes the chronology of the army around the time they’re going to get lynched by the wolves… What do you think of the bases? This army is for sale
is it stil for sale ?
where can i buy it ?
Some of the best and innovative thousand sons i've seen!! Is this still for sale? I looked everywhere for a auction or link to ebay or something…
This is really a well put together army. The theme is followed all the way through. No tanks? Sorry to see you are selling them. Is this so you can buy some new Chaos this year !!!! :>:>. I too had a quick question on the bits. Where did you get all those great bits from and what are they? Books, scrolls and staffs.
This is just great work! I love the staffs of the Captains (are these the staffs of the new necrons?) and also like how you did the eyes of the captain in the picture before…. Great! Thank you for this inspiring models!