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Here are the heavy hitters in this Thousand Sons force – ready to smash some Space Wolves in the face. Are those original plastic RT missile launchers you see? YES! Am I trying to fob you off with the same heavy bolter marine from my tactical squad from a few days ago? YES! (Reason being I ordered the wrong number of bases so my third RT missile launcher guy is footloose AND fancy free at the moment.)
So it’s a signum squad, 3 missiles and the higher BS las-cannon (is that still how it works? It’s been a while since I actually played 40k…). My fav model is the Sgt, he’s got the haircut I wanted but wasn’t allowed at school, the good old centre parting curtains look….
What’s your Reaction?
you know rev i am painting pre heresy thousand know for almost a year but i realy like yours because they still look like a normal space marine army nothing evil about them but just a bunch of proud wariors proud of there roots and background.Nothing evil about them. i am trying to achive the same feeling with mine ,But they are very expansive to make using a lot of diverent kids,grey knights, chaos kids and tomb king kids. But keep up the good work.loving your mini,s mojo1111
lol 🙂
I love how crisp and bright each Marine looks. Great work! ::makes a note to try his hand at some pre-heresy troops soon::
The Sergeant's zealous look makes me laugh a little – he looks like the universe's most determined religious proselytizer. "Pardon me, would you like some informative brochures…OR A BOLTER ROUND IN YOUR FACE?!?"
These are awesome. Loving the old skool missile launchers.
Ha ha, point taken. If you need a few, let me know. I'll sculpt you up a couple.
Yep. I put together a bunch of them and had to snip off one if the back pack exhausted to get them to fit…oh well.
Matt, my conversion skills don't extend to inverting a book cast in metal so it faces the other way – I'm just not that good!! I see your point though 🙂
Tim – cheers, I didn't realise the FW ones didn't have room for backpacks?!
Your Thousand Sons look great. The bases are a nice clean touch. One detail stood out to me: the book in the sergeant's hand is held facing outwards. I always imagine that the lore the Sons keep the jealously keep to themselves and wouldn't allow someone to look upon it so freely, whereas the Word Bearers are all about spreading their faith and would show an open book facing out. Food for thought.
Yep. Awesome stuff. Never understood by FW designed the missile launchers so that they do not fit with space marine back packs.