Showcase: Orks Warboss and Painboy
Orky time again! This one’s the classic plastic Warboss, along with a Painboy. Nice models, those. Painting GW models is always enjoyable. On no other figures I feel as at home, and I don’t think any models are as easy to paint. Of course, they’re…
Showcase: Ork Weirdboy Conversion
Heya, time for some Orks. Because there’s always time for Orks, right? The chap above and the models I post over the following weeks are additions to the Orks army I started painting for a customer in late 2017. Then it was plenty of Slugga…
Showcase: Goblin Princess
Just a quick one-off figure this time. It’s a Goblin Princess! Another great figure by Black Tree Design. I painted this one in between projects. Just straight up proper painting. Very enjoyable experience and a fun, unique figure which I’m sure I’ll find use for…
Showcase: Inquisitor Eisenhorn
A while ago a gentleman approached me and asked me to paint his Eisenhorn figure. It’s the new 28mm version, with hair. Otherwise he’s the same, and basically has the same pose as the original Inquisitor one as well. Straightforward, fun paintjob. 40k figures (especially…
Showcase: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion Poxwalkers
Right, let’s bookend the Apostles of Contagion with a big, panoramic shot of all the Poxwalkers. 🙂 Still my favourites models from the latest Nurgle range. Thanks for having a look, hope you like the models, and stay tuned for more!
Showcase: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion Characters
Here’s the characters done! I wrote about them in the post in which I showed the WIP pictures of them, so I have little to add actually. All the smoke and slime was fun to paint indeed. Also note the AoC freehand on the banner….
Showcase: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion Plague Marines
Now let’s look at the Marines themselves. Huge, too, aren’t they? Also a ton of work, but aren’t they pretty once they’re done? Oooh yes, they are. Love the look of these guys. Not to toot my own horn, but I think they came out…
Showcase: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion Blight Lords
Proceeding with the AoC showcase. You know the drill, let’s have a look at the finished Blight Lords. Holy cow, are those guys huge. I actually fought alongside them in my last game of 40k 8th edition. Ploughing through Blood Angels, they were. Scary, scary…
Showcase: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion Deamon Prince and Helbrute
Let’s do a round of finished photos of the Apostles of Contagion, shall we? Starting with the big guys; a Daemon Prince and Hellbrute! Never painted the Nurgle DP before actually, and I kinda like him better than I thought I would judging from what…
WIP: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion Poxwalkers
Now another WIP of nurgly fellas. It’s a brilliant little horde of 39 Poxwalkers! Still probably my favourites from the latest batch of Nurgle releases.
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