
WIP: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion #4

… and another batch of WIP minis! I’m aware that these look pretty finished, but there’s so much detail on the guys which still requires some more attention. You know what GW models are like. But I’m rather positive that the guys will be finished…

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WIP: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion #3

Time for some character WIPs! Lord of Contagion, Necrosius, Foul Blight Spawn (what a fun model that one is) and a Plague Surgeon! Shows rather well the insane scale creep with Marines lately if you see the chaps standing next to Necrosius.

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WIP: Raven Guard

Some more 40k stuff I’m currently working on – Raven Guard! It’s for the same army I’ve been working on on and off since 2014. It’s a cool little raiding force consisting mostly of several squads of Scouts, a squad of Assault Marines, a Contemptor…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Aeldari Harlequins Troupe

 Heyhey, here are the all finished Harlequins! Very interesting project. From finally getting my hands on the new plastic Harlequins to …well, painting Harlequins at all. And the way they’re supposed to be painted as well. Sure, I did curse quite a bit at them…

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #5

Leapin’ and bouncin’ towards the finishing line! Mr.Blue has been added, I also made some bases (befitting the Armageddon setting) AND painted the weapons now. The next update will be the Showcase. Until then I have to add additional pouches and grenades, neaten up some…

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #4

News from the Harlequins: Mr. Green entered the scene! Another specialist/leader, and thus gets a ‘spade’ sign on his coat. The troupe is slowly shaping up. Hope you like them so far!

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #3

…and another WIP! This time a little more work on Mr.Yellow in the far right was done and Mr.Red was added. In terms of the game the figures with long coats represent specialists and the leader, so they get a bit of extra attention. Mr….

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