
WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #2

It’s another WIP shot of the first few Harlequins! The first one’s pretty much as seen before, the purple one got a bunch more colours than just purple (and a snazzy ‘clubs’ symbol on the back of his coat) and Mr.Yellow was added as well….

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins

Heyhey, I’m currently working on a Troupe of 6 fancy Harlequins! First time I’ve had the new-ish plastic Harlequins in hand. What a great kit that is. These are just a one-off warband for Shadow War:Armageddon (and actually will see action in a demo game…

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WIP: Rogue Trader Space Ork Raiders

Yet another project I kinda stumbled into: It’s Thrugg Bullneck’s Space Ork Raiders. I was happily working on proper projects, glazing the thighs of 25mm horses as a righteous man should. At some point I had to wait for the stuff to dry, my eyes…

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WIP: Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius #1

A while ago, pretty much out of the blue, we decided to give Deathwatch: Overkill a go. Usually I don’t play anything unpainted, but in this case, we made an exception. Still, shortly thereafter I started painting the Deathwatch Marines. This is a rather early…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Goff Orks Horde

Heyhey, I hope everybody had a wonderful bunch of holid- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Hooray for Orks! Which is why a gentleman had me paint a whole lot of Ork Boyz for him. A while ago I painted a test unit I showed earlier, here’s now the full result….

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Goff Orks Test Unit

Heyhey, I’m working on a new Goff Orks project, and these here are the test figures for the colour scheme and general approach. Haven’t painted any Orks for a while now (in fact I hadn’t painted any 40k models since early summer!), and it’s always…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Imperial Reaver Titan

Hey, I realized I never showed you the finalized version of this one! Last year around this time I worked on an Imperial Reaver titan. Cleaning, assembly, magnetizing, painting. The cleaning was a TON of work, the assembly was very interesting (at one point I…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Death Guard Foetid Bloat-Drone

Look, everybody, the little fella’s done! Also showcasing the final version of the basing. I really liked the just-crusty-desert basing, to be honest, but in the end added some little slime pools and the red vegetation I’d originally planned to add. Not sure what to…

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