40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Gretchins

As the crowning finish of the Orks army (I’ll drop some more detail shots of other units over the next weeks) I’ve done 63 Gretchins! As with every single figure in this army they’re converted and built to be all individuals. Not by me, but…

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WIP: Ork Warbosses and Characters

Another Orks WIP. Characters. Big’uns. All of them really. Absurdly large. Anyway, from left to right: Weirdboy Warphead, Nob with Warbanner, Warboss in mega armour (quite obviously), Warboss in ‘eavy armour, Weirdboy. As with the prior updates, these chaps are mostly done. Bases and final…

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WIP: Ork Looterz

More Orks! This time it’s 30 Looterz.  I only get to paint these figures, I don’t build them. So I can gush on about how cool these conversions are. Not a single guy or gun is the same in this unit. Very little can be…

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WIP: Ork Big Meks with Shokk Attack Guns

Heyhey. It’s lovely, lovely April. It’s also weird, weird times, but let’s focus on the loveliness of April (while keeping a distance, wearing masks and gloves). I’m currently working on a bunch more Goff Orks and here we got three Big Meks – some bigger…

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WIP: Ork Stormboyz

Heyhey, after a whole lot of Prussians and right before getting started on some more I’ll see that I get a bit of a head start on some Orks. First: 64 Stormboyz. I split them into two batches of 32 to make it more manageable,…

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WIP: Ork Stormboyz

Heyhey, after a whole lot of Polish lancers and right before getting started on some more Harlequins I’ll see that I get a bit of a head start on some Orks. First: 64 Stormboyz. I split them into two batches of 32 to make it…

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