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Yet another project I kinda stumbled into: It’s Thrugg Bullneck’s Space Ork Raiders.

I was happily working on proper projects, glazing the thighs of 25mm horses as a righteous man should. At some point I had to wait for the stuff to dry, my eyes wandered across the table, on which I had these Orky chaps standing around due to me rearranging the lead mountain. So I started painting the Ork skin, just in between drying times on stuff I actually have to paint.

And between other drying times, I did some more painting. Not entirely sure about the blue, maybe I’ll have to tone it down a little. Let’s see how it works along with the browns maybe after a wash and some more highlights.

I got the box back when I collected Orky stuff from ebay roughly 12 years ago. For a few years now my gaming buddy and I have vague plans of refighting the Battle at the Farm from the Rogue Trader rulebook.