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Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some Space Wolves I painted a while ago. Canis, Terminators and Björn after the jump, so click and enjoy…

The Wolf Priest above is made from the regular Chaplain in Terminator Armour. I gave him some “accessoires” from the Space Wolves Terminators kit to better identify him as a Space Wolf.

Canis Wolfborn in Finecast. For all models I used Russ Grey, Fenrisian Grey, Ulthuan Grey and White for the armour. I painted the armour with the drybrushing technique.

Regular Terminator models, painted in the same manner as the others…

I decided to build the Dreadnought kit as Björn the Fellhanded, as I felt all the details would make a more interesting model to paint. Also painted by drybrushing.

How do you like this lot? Let me know in the comments!