It’s getting messy on my paint station because I took a break from my Eldar for a kind of secret project…
My final Skaven Paint Scheme
So I finally settled on my final Skaven paint scheme and painted up a Clanrat in it. It took my 70 minutes to finish, I aimed for 60, but to save further time I would have to sacrifice quality visibly. 10 minutes more per Clanrat…
Incoming: Skaven Giant Rats, Packmaster Conversions
So I bought like 25 Giant Rats from ebay for my upcoming Skaven armies. I still need some more for my two regiments with 22 rats each, but the Doomwheel kit will have some more as well. I also bought some arms with whips. I’m…
Glowing Warpstone, Scource Lighting Mini-Tutorial
Inspired by the Vermin Lord ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass some time ago in White Dwarf, I decided that I want glowing Warpstone in my Skaven army as well. As the bulk of the army will be painted in a more basic style than my Eldar or…
The Quest for a Proper Skaven Fur Colour
For my Skaven army I’m in desperate need for a suitable fur colour. I don’t like the Scorched Brown/Bestial Brown of the studio army. Bestial Brown is a very intense brown quite a bit red/orange in it. I’m looking for a more natural greyish brown….
Skaven Army, Second Draft
Thanks on all the comments on my Skaven army list! Based on the feedback I made some changes to the list: Lords: Grey Seer (Skalm, Shadow Magnet Trinket, Dispel Scroll) on Screaming Bell – 525 Heroes: Chieftain (Battle Standard Bearer, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield,…
First draft of my Skaven army
Now that we know the contents of “Island of Blood”, I took my Army Book and wrote a 2500 points around the models of the starter set and the great Skaven kits that were released last year. Now I’ve never played a game of Warhammer…
The Skaven Challenge Part 2: The Vision
So how will my Skaven army shape up? As always with the armies I collect I focus on the models and themes I like and try to make a well rounded list of it. For Skaven, this means I’m going to avoid all models that…
The Skaven Challenge Part 1: Painting
I’ve already dropped a few hints here and there about my big new project once the majority of my Eldar army is finished. Beware man-things, it’s Skaven! I’ve always loved Skaven fluff but I never liked the asthetics of their model range. This was until…
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