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Today I’m sharing a dirty, quick iPhone shot of my current painting project; some Grey Hunters. But I’d like to talk about the psychology of painting after the jump. 

Have you ever been so hyped to start a new army, you rush out splurge a load of cash, get home all excited and start building a couple of models, then you take a break and that’s it. You don’t return to them, in fact the longer you leave it the more annoyed you get with yourself.Eventually you put them away and add them to the growing pile of plastic you hide away from plain sight.

I’ve been there and it can be really daunting starting a new army. Overloading yourself with a tonne of work isn’t good. I use to do it. I use to paint armies in 1500pts chunks. Mass batch painting would see an army painted in around 5 weeks. I would always feel the pile was getting bigger, the painting was mediocre because I was rushing it and cutting corners.

I think it was Stahly’s painting, work ethic and approach that really resonated with me. Slow, steady, really accurate painting. Enjoy every moment. It turned my hobby around and for the past couple of years my Army of the Imperium has been steadily growing and painted to the best of of my ability.

The other thing that really helps with staying motivated is to not buy too much. I’m a sucker for a boxed game so my Army of the Imperium is made up from marines from Dark Vengeance, Stormclaw, Deathwatch Overkill etc. But occasionally I’ll buy a treat unit out of the blue like a Baal Predator or an Imperial Knight (or two).

Another big part to hanging in there and finishing an army, is it gets easier. I feel like I’m flying now painting these Grey Hunters. With the Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Wolf Guard Terminators and Blood Claws complete, I only have these Grey Hunters, five Wolf Guard in Power Armour and Ragnar Blackmane left to paint. Then I might treat myself to a Space Wolf Dreadnought.

This convoluted rambling is my long-winded way of saying I’m happy and content with painting at the moment. Which is great… apart from I’m suppose to be learning 3D modelling and printing.

What methods do you use to keep yourself painting through the mountains of plastic you own? Or have you given up and just hidden all your unpainted models in the cupboard?

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