There is something nice about finishing the first squad for a new army. Feels like it’s the first step done and I’m ready for more. After the jump check out the close ups.
If you got to the bottom of this blog post after having scrolled through all the pictures, well done! What do you think about my Wolf Guard? I personally like the retro vibe of the bright yellow shoulder pads and the red weapon casings. I’ve changed my recipe for the armour slightly so it’s not as pale blue as the original blood claw test piece. I must prefer the new option.
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This is very nice, great work, as always Garfy =)
My i ask, why are the bases so sterile?
I mean, you put in so many hours and present such masterclass figures, and then the bases looks like something you did in a rush 🙂
Not meaning any harm!
No harm taken. I'm very lazy when it comes to bases. Also I'm not too fond of overly busy bases. It's suppose to to be a desert and that does mean just sand and emptiness. But I agree with you it's pretty dull.
Alright, cheers m8 =)
Deserts are dull ^^
You missed painting the stormbolter hilt on the termi with the chainfist.
Good spot. I always miss something.
I was loving the retro vibe, and then saw that you wondered about the retro vibe… The yellow is killer, and the red looks great 'cause it's dark rather than the really retro bright red. Beautiful, clean painting. Love it.
Gorgeous Garfy as usual… you are an inspiration to improve my skills
Very nice work. I am a fan of the retro scheme, I did mine in the same way! Am also a fan of the Heresy scheme! So many schemes, to few wolves!!
I really like these! So vibrant and eye catching. Can't wait to see more units!