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Hi everyone! I’m here with another update on my Stardrake! I’m now onto the detail work, working on the spikes, horns, mouth and wings. Click to see photos of this progress after the jump!

I decided to paint the spikes on the Stardrake in a contrasting theme to the scales, so I decided to go for a fire like red effect. They were painted Khorne Red, Nuln Oil, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red, Fire Dragon Bright, Yriel Yellow, White Scar and glazed Bloodletter and Lamenters Yellow, with a final edge highlight of White.

I painted the inside of his mouth as if he is about to breathe fire on a poor unfortunate enemy. I wanted to make it really bright. This was painted building up white and with glazes of Bloodletter and Lamenters Yellow, with white finally added back in to the back of the mouth at the hottest point.

Finally, I have been working on painting the wings. I decided, similar to the spikes, to go for a contrasting colour to the main body of the Stardrake. The wings were blended up through Black, Khorne Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red, Fire Dragon Bright and glazed Bloodletter and Lamenters Yellow towards the ends. Overall, I’m really happy with the way they look, and also really happy with the blend.