40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Lictors

I’ve always liked the concept of the Lictor. It’s the Tyranid equivalent of Predator. A near invisible creature that stalks it’s prey, picking them off one at a time. Over the years I’ve collected these five models. Finally, after some touch ups their paint jobs…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan

Why do I get the impression the Imperial Knight pilot is saying “come at me bro”? Today on the blog I wanted to share a special repaint. I’ve revisited my first Hierophant and painted areas of it to match my second Hierophant. More pics after…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Warrior Brood

Quick post today. Remember this post? Well, one of the pictures in there showed some chopped up warriors that I’d given new life from the spares foot my Deathstorm Warriors. These three models are the last of those chopped up warriors. I feel like I…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Photography

I thought the relentless onslaught of Tyranid repaint posts were starting to lose their appeal so I thought I’d get my trusty smoke machine out and take capture a mood with some atmospheric photography.  This picture above is really murky and foggy. it’s hard to…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Red Terror

My Tyranid project continues today with another extensive repaint and rebase. Check out more angles after the jump as well as a comparison shot and a link to the original paint job.  Does anyone else think this side shot looks like an Alien motif? It’s…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Venomthropes

No repaint today, instead I have the new plastic Venomthropes to share with you. More after the jump. Here are some more angles. I like the guy on the left above. His base features some kind of organism growing out of the barren earth which…

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