Showcase: Tyranid Trygon
Hey guys, today I am showing a Tyranid Trygon that I finished painting a few days ago. The model is part of large Tyranid army that mainly consist of a lot of flyers, Raveners and spores. It’s a interesting army and I hope to show…
Showcase: Tyranids by Aurélie
Hello, my name is Aurélie and I started painting miniatures nearly five years ago. This is one of my greatest projects. This colour scheme for tyranids needs some time and patience, but it it’s quite simple. All you need is an airbrush and Blu Tak…
Chat: Warhammer Collections Special Exibition
Between February 13th and April 27th, Warhammer World are showcasing miniature collections from several painters, two of which are myself and Amy. Amy has her Seraphon on display and I have both my Ultramarines and Tyranids. After the jump you can see a few images…
Showcase: Tyranids, Tau and Lizardmen by Scatterz
Hi everyone Scatterz here and this is my first ever post to Tale of Painters. It is really exciting to be asked to showcase some of my work on here (also pretty nerve-wracking) as I have followed the blog for a long time. This first…
Showcase: Space Hulk Genestealers
Hi All! Just finished painting a commission for Space Hulk Tyranids. They are painted in a black and white colour scheme with a bit of colour added by the help of Ultramarine helmets. Those models are super good looking, the poses are great and the…
Showcase: Hive Fleet Unending Maw by tripwire #4
Hi everyone, it’s tripwire with a final look at my Hive Fleet; Unending Maw. This post we’ll cover my HQ units. This Tervigon was the first monstrous creature I ever created, and despite its changes for the worse in the most recent codex, for the…
Showcase: Hive Fleet Unending Maw by Tripwire #3
Tripwire here, back again showcasing my Hive Fleet; Unending Maw. Let’s see some monstrous creatures! I love painting monstrous creatures! It’s a great break from painting dozens of Termigants. The Tervigon / Tyrannofex kit was the first monstrous creature I ever completed. I love the…
Showcase: Hive Fleet Unending Maw by tripwire #2
Greetings everyone. Tripwire here with my second installment featuring the elites of Hive Fleet; Unending Maw. Plenty of choices for the elite slot in the codex, and while all of them aren’t as useful as they should be, Venomthropes are a must have! These models…
Showcase: Hive Fleet Unending Maw by tripwire #1
Tripwire here again with another series showcase. This time we’ll explore my Hive Fleet; Unending Maw. I was drawn to the look of Leviathan. I liked the black and purple carapaces, but didn’t care for the stark white skin, so for my splinter fleet, I…
Showcase: Deathstorm Boxset
Today my friends is a rare treat! I’ve finished painting an entire boxed game! More pics after the jump. Blood Angel Death Company Blood Angel Death Company Dreadnought Blood Angel Terminator Squad Blood Angel Captain Karlaen Tyranid Genestealers Tyranid Warriors Tyranid Carnifex Tyranid Broodlord Spawn…