Leaked pictures of the upcoming Skaven wave in January! Enjoy.

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Hellpit Abomination – rumoured to be priced at 39 Euro (same as IG tanks). Plastic kit. Notice the different arm and head options.

Warplightning Cannon/Plagueclaw Catapult. Combined Plastic Kit. I really love how the cannon looks like a big, steampunky lascannon. Not so sure about the Catapult though – I liked the proportions of the artworks in the army book better.

Ikit Claw – metal model. Looks really mean. I love the “crane” for his big claw, as well as the armoured hood. Not so sure about the big banner though.

Doom Flayer weapon team. The rider looks a bit off, but really no big deal. Very much like the artworks.

There will also be a metal Tretch Caventail and a Warpgrinder team with no pictures yet. Personally I can’t wait to get an Abomination and a Cannon – and maybe Ikit just to paint him up.