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Hi all and a happy new year to all of you! I hope you had some nice holidays. Here you can see the very last miniature I painted in 2018. It’s the Gnasher Screamer from the Gellerpox Infected faction from the Rogue Trader Kill Team box set. I didn’t like the ‘Eavy Metal version, so I created a paint scheme on my own of what I think matches better with this Nurgle tainted miniature.

In 2019 I will continue to paint only what I like (which is a lot :)). I also started to build some display boards for my local shop. I will try again starting a bigger army: this year I choose a Hobbit/Lord of the Rings based collection. I guess I will find out soon that I’ll be unable to stick to this goal… 🙂 But I guess I’ll end up with at least some painted miniatures. So what are your hobby resolutions for this year and what are you working on right now? Leave a comment below and tell us more…