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This is another rubble piece from the Sector Imperials scatter terrain sprue originally found in Urban Conquest, and later released in the Sector Sanctorum Killzone. I really like this piece, as it perfectly fits my underhive themed terrain collection. I think it makes a perfect objective or narrative piece, who knows what might be hidden in the sewers.

Unsurprisingly, I painted the piece in the same black and petrol palette as my other scenery.

Still working on completing my terrain collection. I try to get more painting in while I stay at home and work in home office, but so far, I wasn’t so lucky. I feel I’m even working more now I am at home…

How are you doing? Are you working on an #isolationarmy or does your job require you to go to work? How do you like my sewer hatch? Stay healthy and leave a comment or reaction below.