I’m working on a Purgation Squad this week. The Grey Knight sprue is packed with bits. Enough to make 4 different squads. The Strike Squad, Purifier Squad, Interceptors and the Purgation Squad. You only get 2 Psycannons in the box, but I had 2 from a previous box. The Psycannon is pretty expensive points wise but really versatile being assault 2 or heavy 4. Even better is if you pass a psychic test you can shoot these guys without needing line of sight.
So far the silver is done, I’ve blacked in the details and just started the gold. More from these later on in the week.
I’ll be doing a guide on how I paint my armour soon, so watch this space.
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That's really nice of you to say so. I don't have any grey knight models at the moment. I will have to buy some. Before I do, I need to clear the decks of some other projects first. including Ultramarine Scouts, Arachnarok Spider and the Flaming Scimitar Dreadfleet Warship.
Watch this space.
Any luck on the tutorial. I am really looking forward to it. Your models are beautiful and an inspiration to me as well as many others.
I also will be looking forward to your tutorial on how you paint the armor and everything grey knights!
I'm looking forward to your tutorial 🙂 I was wondering how you acchieved this distinctive blue hint.