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This is the second of three tutorials voted for by the Tale of Painters Facebook group. This is a tutorial explaining how to paint the Minotaurs Space Marines using the latest Games Workshop paints. The model above was painted in 14 steps. I break each step down with a high resolution picture and detailed instructions. Read the full tutorial after the jump.

I’ve designed this tutorial so established painters find it interesting but also so new comers to the hobby can learn some basic and advanced techniques. I will use terms such as glazing and washing, don’t worry if you don’t know what these mean because I will elaborate and explain during that step.

Paints you will need for this tutorial:

Black Undercoat spray 

Warplock Bronze (base)

Hashut Copper (layer)

Incubi Darkness (base)

Runelord Brass (layer)

Mephiston Red (base)

Evil Sunz Scarlett (layer)

Fire Dragon Bright (layer)

Leadbelcher (base)

Agrax Earthshade (shade)

Runefang Steel (layer)

Dawnstone (layer)

Ceramite White (base)

Steel Legion Drab (base)

Zandri Dust (base)

Armageddon Dust (texture)

In case you need to expand your paint collection, head over to Wayland Games or Slave to Painting, which both stock a huge selection of paints at competitive prices.

1. Basecoat the entire model with Warplock Bronze.

2. Paint the majority of the armour with Hashut Copper. Leave some Warplock Bronze showing through for shading.

3. Add a lot of water to Incubi Darkness on a mixing palette and then run this mix in and around the armour joints to create a dark shading and a verdigris effect. 

4. Highlight the upper parts of the armour with Runelord Brass

5. Base coat the shoulder pads and bolter casing with Mephiston Red. Don’t forget to paint some red in the eye lens and on the purity seal.

6. Area highlight the previous layer using Evil Sunz Scarlett. This will brighten up the flat red nicely.

7. Highlight the upper edges of the bolter casing with Fire Dragon Bright. Paint a thin line of orange at the bottom of each eye lens.

8. Paint the bolter metallic parts with Leadbelcher.

9. Wash the gun metal areas with Agrax Earthshade

10. Edge highlight the gun metal areas with Runefang Steel.

11. You might need to tidy up the black pouches with some Abaddon Black. Then edge highlight the black pouches and rubber armour joints with Dawnstone and a fine detail brush.

12. Using Ceramite White add a little water to the paint on a mixing palette to help aid flow from the brush, then freehand a squad symbol (tactical arrow in this case) and because the shoulderpads are red and the Minotaurs chapter symbol is red I painted the outline of the symbol in white. I then added horns and some detail using Abaddon Black. Don’t forget to add a dot of white in the eye lens and an underline of white to make the eye gleam (click the above image for a close up)

13. Paint the purity seal with Steel Legion Drab.

14. Highlight the purity seal with Zandri Dust.

Finally, base the model in a way which fits in with your own army or gaming table. I’ve used Steel Legion Drab for the rim, Armageddon Dust for the base top and then drybrushed with Screaming Skull. Drybrushing is a way of picking out raised detail quickly usually with a lighter colour. To dry brush you need load up your brush with paint and then wipe it off the bristles on a tissue until virtually no paint remains on the brush. Then rapidly and repeatedly drag the side of the brush back and forth over the area to be painted.

Keep checking back regularly as I still have an Sons of Horus and Ultramarine tutorials still to post.

You can view other Space Marine tutorials using these quick links. Imperial FistWhite ScarsIron Hands, Salamanders.

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