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Yesterday we had the unboxing and today is clean up. As you can see in the first picture the largest parts have an incredible amount of flash on them, huge big chunks of the stuff! The only way to remove this is with hacksaw. The one I use is called a magic saw and it’s pretty good, I’m sure Gandalf uses the same one. The second picture shows me filing down the rear piece and the third picture shows the dry fit, not a bad fit.

Oh and when I called this the Big Clean Up I wasn’t joking, here you’ll see me using a vacuum cleaner to get rid of all the resin dust. These small particles are really bad for you if you inhale them so wear a mask when sanding and keep vacuuming it all up… Either that or hold your breath*

*Tale of Painters are not liable for the consequences of following Garfy’s advice. Holding your breath is dangerous and could cause death or looking like a smurf temporally.

Next post will be a big dry fit picture, so make sure you check back regularly. Also be sure to check out Stahly’s and Sigur’s awesome works.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay