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Welcome to the final installment (for now) of the Evil Suns Army showcase series. Today we got some army shots.
Hope you enjoy. 🙂 As mentioned in a prior post I’m currently working on more models for this army which should be finished soon!
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Cool army Sigur. I guess you're commissioner wanted the bases left blank so they could base them to match their existing models? It's a real shame they're not based. Your stunning paint jobs desires a decent basing.