I’m painting up a couple of Necron units at the moment inbetween Dreadfleet and Ultramarine models, and I thought I’d share with you guys how I paint my quick and easy 4 step rusty Necron armour.
Step 1: I basecoat the model in Tinny Tin.
Step 2: Mixing a drop or two of Glaze medium into Gun Metal I paint over the Tinny Tin making sure I leave some of the basecoat showing through.
Step 3: I take the shine off of the Gun Metal with a wash of Badab Black Wash.
Step 4: Using an old brush I dab weathering powder into all the joints and edges. Be sure to put down a sheet of newspaper and be careful, this stuff is nightmare to get out of fabrics like clothes or carpets.
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How to Paint Necrons Necron tutorial how to painting weathering powders
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Don't seal the pigment at all. It's such a small amount i just ensure I brush off any loose excess with an old brush.
On larger pieces I'll use a varnish spray at arms length and give its very light dusting. Anything more and the varnish goes on white and soaks up the pigment.
How do you fix the pigments on the model and in place?
Thank you in advance.
Hey Ghoulio, the bases are dead simple. Bit of sand and slate, undercoated black base coated terracotta and highlighted with bloody red. There really isn't much more to it then that. I'm in 2 minds of changing the red though, it's a little too close to the armour.
Hey anonymous, The red effect of the armour is done by starting with a black undercoat, then carefully painting a line of dark red alone every edge. The line should be quite wide, then do the same with a brighter red but a thinner width line. I thin do it a third time with a mix of orange + white and this is a super thin line. Then i tidy up with a watered down black and finally I wash the whole armour with Baal red wash.
Thanks for all the comments guys.
hey Garfy im new to painting and i was wondering how u achieved the red affect on your necron it looks awesome btw
I love the colour scheme, and as others above have mentioned easily the best I have seen for Crons on the internet.
The one thing I have been wondering is will you be doing a tutorial on how to do your bases. I just love the way they look and would love to see how you go about doing it. Keep up the good work.
Looks great especially like the blue glow
Sigur, I don't seal the pigment at all. It's such a small amount i just ensure I brush off any loose excess with an old brush.
When I use it on tanks and it's larger and needs sealing I use purity spray, but it's a real light dusting from arms length. If you go too close with it the wet varnish just soaks up the pigment and it disappears.
Very nice,. the color scheme really looks good.
Simple and effective. I like it.
Nice tutorial once again and gorgeous paintjob of course. 🙂
One question though – Do you fixate the pigments in any way after applying them? Do you seal the model with clear laquer in the end?
I'm somewhat averse to using a lot of weathering pigments on playing miniatures because they rub off very, very easily.
I concur. Very nice scheme indeed.
Well done!! I really love your glow effects esp on the chest plate symbol.
This paint scheme is hands down the best I've seen for necrons. Bravo.