Another 5 Scouts completed! This brings my current total to 40 scouts completed. I really like these metal scouts. I prefer them to the current plastics. My next scout unit to add are bolter scouts led by Telion. I’m not sure if the unit should have a heavy bolter or a missile launcher though? Telion Ballistic Skill special rule would suit the missile launcher better, but the Heavy Bolter has hellfire shells and wounds on 2+, so that could be 3 shots hitting on 2s and wounding any creature on 2s. What would you do?
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Hey anonymous.
The colour of the trousers are
Vallejo Game Colour Heavy Ochre as a base layer (covers real nice and smooth), then 50:50 VGC filthy brown mixed with VGC bonewhite. The I wash with GW Gryphonne Sepia and final highlight is VGC bonewhite.
Hope that's useful.
Looks good Garfy!!!! Only a few more scouts to go. Keep pushing. Can you give me a rundown on the pants color scheme?
Thanks for the heads up about the scout hellfire shells guys.
I'll paint up Telion with these bolter scouts + heavy bolter next, but when it comes to games, I'll make sure he's with my snipers.
@Dave, template won't miss as much if you use Telion's help (BS 6 means you will hit most of the time since rolling 6 and 7 is very popular for 2D6).
@Garfy: unfortunately hellfire shell is only Heavy 1, Blast so only 1 single BS6 scatter + 2+ to wound anything. Still decent against horde. I would go with Dave's suggestion and get Telion + 3x snipers + 1x Missle Launcher. No need to get them camo cloak because Telion give them Stealth by default.
I agree with you Garfy, those are some of the best scout models that GW has produced.
That being said, I would stick Tellion with Sniper Scouts. Failing that, an infiltrating Missile Launcher. I find that blast templates are rather hit or miss, pun intended.
Great Painting,
I'd go with the heavy bolter unless you need the punch of the missile launcher against armor.