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I’ve finished this unit of five Grimghast Reapers, painted to form a Warcry Nighthaunt warband with my Thorns of the Briar Queen and Myrmourn Banshees. Check out more pictures after the jump.

My favourite model is probably the Extoller. The spots of brass really enrichen the model and make it stand out as the unit leader. I recorded all painting steps from one of the Reapers to make a detailed tutorial, stay tuned, it will show up on the blog soon 🙂

The model on the right broke about five times at the connection to the base while painting, even when I pinned it. I also broke some of the chains on the Extoller, so yeah, these models are pretty fragile.

By now, I have enough models for a sizeable Warcry warband. Nowadays, I feel more comfortable painting smaller Skirmish sized projects, but who knows, with our Mortal Realms subscription I might even expand my Nighthaunt collection into a small Meeting Engagement sized army over time.

How do you like my Grimghast Reapers? Who is looking forward to a tutorial? Leave a (spooky) comment or reaction below!