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Attention German readers! We’re pleased to say that Tale of Painters give away 2 tickets for the Role Playing Convention (RPC) 2012, tickets sponsored by Brückenkopf Online. The convention takes place in Cologne, Germany on May 5th and 6th. The ticket allows you to attend both days and is worth 25 Euro!

The RPC is the biggest fantasy event in the whole world, there is pen & paper roleplaying, LARP, pc gaming and of course tabletop! There is a huge gaming area with lots of tables, where you can bring your armies for a pick up game or try out new game systems at the demo tables. The tabletop area is set up by the great guys from Brückenkopf Online, the biggest online tabletop magazine in Germany. There will also be a lot of tabletop and hobby companies exhibiting and sales boothes, where you can stock up on the common and not so common hobby gear.

What you must do to win one of the two tickets is to leave a comment (make sure you state your email adress) until the end of Monday, April 16th. We will then randomly select two commentors to receive the tickets. Please participate only if you’re sure you can attend the convention. Thanks and good luck!