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This model was actually finished around New Year’s but I haven’t had a chance to take pictures until now, that I got a new photo setup for larger models.
I still can’t say that I’m a raving fan of the Stormraven’s design but it’s a fun model to paint and makes for a great centerpiece for your army (unless you’re Garfy and get yourself a Thunderhawk 😉 ).
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
This known as the "Flying Dumptruck" on out table, but yours look really solid. Love the FW doors and the wings from the jump packs on the top. Battle damage looks good as well. What is your progression for the yellow? Yellow is my nemesis 😉
Thanks for the comment, Zab. I do love me some proper bright Blood Angels (and Space Marines in general). 🙂
That's a nice colour for the red. Somewhere between the too bright candy angels I've seen and the too dark broody angels that are popping up everywhere.
@Garfy: Yeah, in fact got the base pre-made and the model built so there wasn't really much choice on my part. I totally agree about the large brick thing. Going back to the model for taking photos I realized I probably should have made some parts black and/or maybe add some hazard stripes along the engines or something. It still works though due to the icons over the whole model (which I can't take any credit for). And yes, I SHOULD get a Thunderhawk. 😀
@M R Lee: Hehe, sorry, commissioned and pre-done so it would go with the club's table.
Great job on this! And if this were commissioned, then I can understand the simple base. Otherwise.. no excuse there 😉 get back at it 🙂
Great use of hazard stripes around the jets, ramp and intake. Gives it a nice 2nd edition feel (which I love). The issue I've always had with large marine vehicles that are made up of a single colour is they tend to look like massive lego bricks. Your use of raised iconography on the doors and hull is brilliant and really helps to break up the massive red areas. Top work.
If I was to offer a suggestion, it would be the base is huge and crying out for a bit of love. Even if it was some large pieces of slate and a couple of discarded helmets/weapons, but I know you paint to order, so you probably didn't get a choice in the basing.
P.S. You should get a Thunderhawk!