It’s that exciting time in the hobby when all the rules get shaken up and we all have to re-think are armies. If you’re lucky like Myself you have huge collections and you can tinker with your lists and choose from your existing stock of models. Easy. However, if you collect a set number of points like 1500pts then you’re going to need to add some additions and tweak it to maximise it’s potential in the new edition.
Or, you can start a fresh with a brand new army built from the ground up tailored to work perfectly with the 6th edition rules.
I like an excuse to collect a new army. My army collections are real slow-grows nowadays. I spend way too much time on large centre piece models. My new army needs to reflect this. I need to be able to take my time and create something better then the last armies (Dark Eldar and Grey knights). I dipped my toes into Necrons and quite like them, so I could just continue with them, however I can feel the dark forces tempting me.
With chaos in the boxed game and 6th edition allowing allies and psychic powers being a focus, I feel chaos space marines and chaos daemons are going to be the army of choice. Incredibly diverse unit choice means I could paint a different unit each time, from Khorne Berzerkers, to Thousand Sons to Daemonettes. The variety is staggering. The only other army I feel could come close would be Eldar, but I painted Eldar many moons ago, and I’ve never had a chaos army.
So, Chaos it is. How about you?
That’s not to say I have never painted Chaos models, this Bloodthirster was painted by myself back in June 2003 as a piece to go straight onto eBay. I don’t paint for commission or eBay anymore. I paint for myself (it sometimes ends up on eBay though).
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Very interesting to read all those posts. Very inspiring!
I for my part will start Eldar – again. Stahly's Saim-Hann pointy ears have been a huge inspiration, though I'll take a zenithal airbrush/oil shading approach. The choice of colours, however, is to be blamed on him.
Anyway, the new edition made me want to start all over again, and conveniently capitalising on my huge bitz box.
Still thinking about what I could ally with them…
In addition to that, my Death Guard will certainly – FINALLY! – get some REAL Nurgle daemon allies. That's a huge relief. As a fan of the 3rd edition Cult Armies it's awesome to finally get to play real plaguebearers and Unclean Ones in unison with cult marines!
I am going to continue with my Necrons, and start up Corsairs. I am also considering some DE.
I have been thinking about starting a pre-heresy terminator heavy force. I haven't decided on a codex yet. Obvious choices include the following: Death Wing, Loganwing, and Draigowing. However, I have thought of doing something similar to Black Matt's old Imperial Fist force pairing Terminators (30 of them) and Scouts from Codex Space Marine.
I fell in love with the pictures of the scythes in teh necron codex and vowed to turn my army into a necron airforce. When the new models were released I ran out and bought 5! (shh… don't tell the wife!)
So, my initial project for 5th edition will be a necron air force army… lets hope that flyers kick-ass in game… or else I'll need to settle for humming the dam busters theme whilst playing! lol!
The Allies system certainly opens up for interesting optiont. A proper Squats army for instance, redoing old Ork army lists by adding human mercenaries and Ogryns, …
Overall I think we'll see lots of more colourful forces on the tables. Of course there will be people who exploit the more open system but that kind of people will always look for ways to exploit systems so never mind.
I won't start any new armies because I got a ton of stuff to do on my backlog but I'm sure that there will be lots of fun stuff around.
I'm going to continue with my Astral Claws army, but I will take the opportunity to play around with the allies system. Hopefully have a HQ and Troop from each of the ally groups with a Badab theme to them.
Blood Angels = Lamenters
Imperial Guard = Tyrant Legion
Dark Eldar/Eldar/Orks = Pirates from the Maelstorm.
You get idea. Overall I'm very excited for this new edition of the game.
Good choice, I myself have decided to get back at the Cron force I started but faltered on earlier this year. Yes there is no witchcraft but I have my marines for that!
Minotaurs! … only because i want to paint bronze for the rest of the year.