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Hey all, today I thought I’d show the beginnings of a Imperial Knight that I have been working on. The person I am painting it for asked for it to be in a similar colour scheme to a titan from one of the Forge World Imperial armour books.
So far its been a pretty interesting challenge translating a scheme from a Titan to a Knight and due to the scale differences of the models I really had to plan things beforehand to understand what I was going to do. I have also been given one of the new Ultramarines transfer sheets from Forge World to work with. Hopefully I should have some more photos of progression up in the next few days. What do you think so far?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Way outside your normal wheelhouse and still looking great!
There's a lot of white in that scheme and it all looks very well done!
Wow! Seems like you're exploring new colors and techniques. I like this. A lot.
Looking good so far
What techniques did you use to get the gold so smooth