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I have tried to give some real unique dynamism to these paladins. While the plastic kit isn’t static, it only allows for a number of dynamic poses – which I’ve tried to step away from by tweaking stances. I hope you agree that the black scheme combined with this attempt at a sense of movement leads to a really nice unit. I painted the halberds etc by hand. I know most people use an airbrush (and I do have a good one!) yet I find it quicker to do it with a brush by the time I’ve got all my kit set up. I’ve been perfecting my glowing eye technique, and feel that I’ve acheived a really good subtle glow on this unit. More pictures after the ju… *CLICK*

Can’t touch this…

Chop chop slice slice…

This guy is channelling his warp power and has NOT been kicked in the crotch.

The full group…