The leaked pictures are already on the internet for about a week, but boy, those models look even better in the proper pictures and 360° galleries you find on, don’t you think? So guys, let’s talk a bit about this new starter set. Who is going to have a new army because of it? I know Garfy is itching to pick up a box and start a Chaos army. Personally, I won’t get Dark Vengeance for now, even though Dark Angels were an old love of mine…
A quick rundown of the models, some ideas to discuss and some advice how to get the box at a discount after the jump.
The most impressive models of the box can surely be found on the Chaos side of things. The Chosen and the Chaos Lord fully capture the essence of the artworks for the first time. They are so extremely detailed, that they blow all the old models out of the water. I’m not sure if they’ll sit well beside the old kits, as those new Chosen make them look a bit crude and simplistic, nevertheless I’m really looking forward to the miniatures wave that comes with the Chaos codex that is rumoured for next month.
The Hellbrute is the reincarnation of the Chaos Dreadnought. I must admit I alway found Chaos a bit bland – Space Mahreens with spikes and a bad temper. But models like the Helbrute really set a new direction for Chaos. More mutated, more warped, more flavour in my opinion. I hope for a lot of new daemon engines and gribbly stuff in the new codex.
For the first time since the end of the 90s, Chaos Cultists become proper models and rules. They were always a huge part of the background and I’m glad to finally see them on the battlefield. Even though I must say that of all of the models in Dark Vengeance, I like those cultists the least. The one with the fetish like face mask is cool, but all in all I was just expecting something different, something more along the lines of Dawn of War or the guard renegades from Forgeworld. These cultists look too cobbled together for my taste, and too much like Necromunda gangers. I also dislike the squad leader, which I find too comical.
Dark Angels
I feel the Dark Angels have less of the “wow”-factor that Chaos has, but then you pretty knew what to expect when hearing Dark Angels. I like the Deathwing Terminators, especially the squad seargent with his old school head crest. Ravenwing bikers are also cool, the power armoured marines are allright as well, even though I don’t like the pose of the seargent and his tabbard, which looks very Black Templars like.
My favourite model from the Dark Angel force is the Librarian. I really like the pose with the outstreched arm. You have seen such a pose in a lot of conversions, but this is the first GW model that has it. The Dark Angel Captain is allright, I don’t like the Asterix wings on the helmet, but I guess that could be easily changed. Still a bit miffed that they didn’t include a Terminator armoured Belial, a model which is missing in the Dark Angels range for quite a while.
In case you missed out, the limited edition of Dark Vengeance comes with an additional plastic Interrogator-Chaplain. Suprising to see a plastic model that’s limited. It’s an alright model I guess, I’m not too fond of the pose to be honest, looks like he is almost falling over. But it should be a nice addition for all Dark Angels players, shouldn’t it.
It’s up to you…
So who is going to start a Dark Angel or Chaos army now? Or do you plan to convert the models and put them in your regular Marine armies? Please share your ideas in the comments.
We at Tale of Painters are currently preparing a review and some painting tutorials for the models in Dark Vengeance for next weekend and thereafter. Maybe our crew will also paint up some of the models – what would you like to see from us? Maybe Garfy would like some suggestions for his upcoming Chaos army? Drop it in the comments!
Discounts anybody?
And if this post wet your appetite for Dark Vengeance, make sure you don’t miss the latest offers from our affiliates and sponsors. At Wayland Games you can preorder the limited edition at a 10% discount and the regular edition at a 20% discount. Also check out Total Wargamer, which have the limited edition at 25% off (even though you have to wait a little bit longer, as they already ran out of their first allocations). No need to get Dark Vengeance directly from GW, place your order at our affiliates and save money while supporting Tale of Painters at the same time 🙂
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hi guys, i got a limited edition box set, im going to convert all the DA to Chaos except some of the DA main charictors, im going to paint them up and sell them, try to get the money back for the box set, = free bigger chaos army 😀 with the terminators bikes and marines 😀
I am very tempted to add the dark angels to my space marines but not sure about filing off all those emblems.. I was looking for other "Angel" space marine armies that might use some of the icongraphy or maybe I'll have to start a new chapter… the Guardians of the Covenant chapter with basically metalic silver and black armor with dark angel green robes did catch me eye though… and yeah, chaos marines are awesome and will likely be my next force.. maybe Red Corsairs?… the Chaos cultists are very necromunda/cawdor style, but I actually like that… I can kit bash cadians or catachans and warhammer militia, chaos marauder or beastmen or even chaos daemon kits together and get a good assortment of DIY cultists but the weapons never look right… these are equipped like I'd expect from a hive world cult… also, this makes me very optimistic that there will be a multi-pose cultist plastics kit in the coming months which really will be the icing on the cake… Josh
I am going to make a cultist army. I expect them to be cheap points wise and I can make many conversions from other sets. They are my new favorite unit.
Super set! i will buy one
I think this boxed set is plain awesome and I'll be using both of them. The Dark Angels will find their way into my planned Raven Guard army (all those feathers, yummy!) and the CSM will either join my Death Guard or I'll just start a more Khorne-themed army all over. We'll see, but the moment I saw the 'Brute, the Chaos Lord, and the Terminators, I was sold. And, as you said, it's good to see the Cultists again! They'll be perfect for 40k roleplaying sessions!
I'm tempted by the Dark Angels, but I'm going to behave. I'll definitely wind up painting the Chaos Space Marines for my buddy though. I'm particularly looking forward to the Hellbrute as the model looks fantastic.
I have pre-ordered everything and frankly can't wait. I haven't spent a dime on the hobby in 6 months as I've been taking photos of all my armies and terrain in the hopes of starting a blog so i am really looking forward to getting some hobby done and my first 40k love happens to be DA!
Nothing against the models or anything, I think they look great, but neither army is currently on my agenda, and I've already expanded to 2 new armies recently.
Personally I'm just looking to buy the small rulebook from one of the boxes, as the CE rulebook is way too thick to lug around.
Didn't realize the allied bit there Pirate, but good to know. Was thinking more to expand my ( very old now ) chaos marine army with this, and convert the Dark Angels into chaos also! Still could I guess, and just call them allies maybe..
Very cool none the less..
Plus, and I don't think people have twigged this yet, they are both legal allied forces (assuming you only take one of the DA characters). In this box you get two allied armies regardless of what else you collect. I'm sold!
I've advanced ordered mine and will pick up from my local GW store midnight Friday. I'm going to post a review on this site that night!
I'm going to have two new armies because of it:
Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marines.
When I saw the leaked pictures I didn't think much of it. But then I saw it on GW website, with 360 views, and I ordered it.
If I had to pick a favourite, I'd have a hard job between the characters. All of them are so awesome they actually look better than most special characters throughout the army ranges.
The pose on both the company master and librarian are spot on. I firmly believe it is the pose which makes the model even cooler. Don't like static poses. Boring. But those guys are animated.
I would have waited for the standard box, but that interrogator chaplain looked too awesome to miss out on. Not as good as the other two robed ones, but still very cool.
You've twisted my arm! I've picked a favourite! The chaos lord. Have you seen that cape with the 'spine' down it. His pose is a bit more static, but his sword and pistol are excellent and that horned helmet.
The attention to detail makes this better than the other starter sets and better than the Termies in the Space Hulk. This is some of the best model work I've seen Games Workshop produce.
That's why I'm sold!