Fire up your cogitators and dataslates and feast your eyes on the new, bigger, better Tale of Painter. Don’t worry, all our content is still there, and now it’s even easier to find, thanks to a more user-friendly navigation and dedicated “hub” pages to browse all our 180+ tutorials, 170+ reviews, and 2500+ showcase posts. Bookmark Tale of Painters now and make sure to come back every day, as we’ve got new updates every day. Enjoy the latest painted models straight from our social media channels, and check out the new #taleofpainters Instagram community.

This site contains affiliate links you can use to support Tale of Painters. As Amazon Associates, eBay partners, and partners of our partner shops we earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks :)

Now, if you use the hashtag #taleofpainters on your painted Warhammer models on Instagram, your models will automatically appear on our Instagram community gallery at the bottom of the start page – a great way to make more people aware of your painting endeavours! The Tale of Painters crew will also keep a close eye on the gallery, and who knows, our favourite models might end up being featured on our social media channels and on this website.

Now, even if the new website looks a bit different, the blog is still the heart and soul of Tale of Painters. You can access the blog section by clicking on our fancy new navigation at the top or by following this link. Here you’ll find our latest tutorials, reviews, and showcase posts, all in chronological order, just like on our old website. You could even bookmark this page if you prefer the “classic” view. However, you’ll miss out on all the latest updates from the social media channels on our the start page 😉

In the last couple of months, we put a lot of effort into this new iteration of Tale of Painters. We switched from Google’s Blogger platform to WordPress on our own website, so we had to design the new website from scratch. We rented webspace, bought all the necessary templates and plugins, learned how to develop for WordPress, put countless hours of work into troubleshooting, while still keeping up our posting schedule and bringing you even more tutorials, tips, and reviews like ever before!

Tale of Painters on Patreon

To cover our investments in the new website, pay for the webspace, plugins and the like, we setup a Patreon account, where you can support us with a monthly membership. As a thank you, you’ll get access to exclusive content like desktop wallpapers, blog sneak peeks, Patreon shoutouts and, optionally, regular WIP updates straight from Stahly’s paint station. If you don’t have a Patreon account, you can also send us a donation with Paypal or buy us a coffee on Ko-fi

Shoutout to our patrons Chris, chaotic_flanagan, Mike, Jason, Matt, pawl, Wyliekoyote, and Fugu. If we could achieve 10 people supporting us on Patreon, it would cover our monthly costs. 15 people and we can buy some more plugins to add more features to our site. 25 people and we can start saving for upgrading our video and photo equipment, so we can start producing video content more often…

Also, you could order your next hobby purchases at Wayland Games or Element Games. Both offer fantastic discounts on GW products and free shipping to the UK and all of Europe. Or GameNerdz if you live in the US. Use our affiliate links and we’ll get a small kickback. A great way to support Tale of Painters with no extra costs to you at all!

We hope you enjoy the new Tale of Painters. There might be still some bugs and odd-looking things we will fix in the next couple of weeks (for example, the formatting of a couple of older posts is a bit messy and the pictures are only low res), so if you face any issues, drop them in the comments below!

PS: Sadly, we weren’t able to bring the Tale of Painters Blog Network to the new website. Don’t worry, the list isn’t lost, and we are still looking for a suitable plugin to integrate the network on the new page. Until then, why not join our Instagram community by using the hashtag #taleofpainters for your Warhammer models.