This is a mini I’ve painted for an old friend. Can I just say, I hate finecast? I love plastic. I don’t like metal. But finecast is worse. Yuk. Even good finecast I can’t get on board with. Anyway – I enjoyed this chap. New techniques for me on this one are the bloody bandage on his leg. For those of you shouting, ‘Space marines don’t need bandages as their blood clots automatically,’ then I say thee – he was shot with an anti coagulant round which required a bandage, which as luck would have it, he happened to have in a pouch. Lucky huh? The green OSL was again mroe practice. Doesn’t look perfect in my opinion, but it’s not bad. The banner was cool. More pictures after the jump.
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Michal – of course, apologies.
It was with the new GW paints, using the darkest one which I think it called Kantor blue. I then used the two lighter shades of that, as dictated by the GW system to highlight – mixing and blending to get a smoothish transition. I used fenrisian grey, much akin to the old SW grey as a final highlight. Keepo your paints thinned and use a tile!
I think we may be getting spammed gents!
the curse of today's world ;(
Rev, could you tell us how you painted the armour?
Very nice Rev. Would you might sharing the recipe for the armour?
That's a nice job. Finecast is a mixed bag, some good some bad. In terms of consistency? Yeah there are issues however it's nice light weight stuff for some cool conversions. As for the OSL – it turned out really well, you should be proud.