Today I want to give you a better look at the Death Korps of Krieg model I painted from Kill Team: Octarius. I’ve also got a link to a detailed tutorial if you like my custom greyscale paint scheme, so make sure to check out this post.

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Cinematic shot of a Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman fighting against Drukhari Wyches

Thanks to Games Workshop we received the Kill Team: Octarius box a few weeks earlier, so I was able to paint a few of the models for tutorials. I started with two easy Ork skin recipes, my way of painting the Octarius shantytown terrain, and finally this Veteran Guardsman of Krieg:

Later this week I’ll also show you how to paint the barricades from the Kill Team Essentials pack, so stay tuned.

Painting the Death Korps trooper was a lot of fun, the models are excellent with lots of little options and accessories. While the poses of the bodies and heads are fixed, all of the arms are interchangeable, a rare multipart treat from Games Workshop these days. I chose a monochrome paint scheme with black, greys, and a dull silver that matches the armour of my Silver Skulls.

I’ll definitely want to paint more Death Korps, but I haven’t made up my mind yet whether to paint them as a Kill Team or waiting for a new Astra Militarum codex, as I’m sure there’ll be more Krieg on the way. I guess I’ll wait for a little while and finish a few other projects in the meantime 😉

Hope you like my Death Korps of Krieg paint scheme, let me know in the comments section below and make sure to leave a reaction as well.