This is probably going to be one of the last of the new Tau models that I will show for a while. I am having to quickly move on to the Ogre Kingdom models that I am painting as quite a large commission. But I enjoyed painting the Tau and am quite excited about the new Eldar models that rumor has are coming next month. I also decided to stay well away from the recent High Elves release. Ummm….not my sort of thing. I painted High Elves once as a commission and vowed never to go near them again. Not that they turned out bad, it was just probably one of the most painful things to paint. And Ive come to a conclusion that if I do not enjoy painting a certain type of model I stay well clear of them. Which is quite funny as I cannot think of any other models apart from High Elves that I don’t enjoy painting. Anyone else have a certain army, model etc that they refuse to paint? Or any stories in which sanity was almost lost painting something?
I like armies where each model has a little bit of personality. Thus, I have always had difficulties with Tyrannids. Hordes of gribblies? Not really my cup of tea. Fine for a few models in a diorama, but I will stay away from doing full armies.
They look pretty cool.
I struggle with Eldar because they are all so different (aspects etc) and very "fiddly" – lots of tiny panels and gems.
I'm surprised you don't like the high elves – what was it that turned you off them?
It took me an age to paint my Eldar Dire Avengers, came out really well though so worth it in the end. I'd like another unit of them but I can't bring myself to paint another unit for quite some time!
My pet hate has to be Heldrakes. All the detailing takes an age.