Recently I upgraded my unit of Scourges to new 32 mm bases, so I took a few new pictures to mark the occasion.

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Drukhari Scourges from the Kabal of the Last Hatred

It’s been a while since the Scourges kit was repacked with 32 instead of 25 mm bases. Makes a lot of sense to prevent them from being knocked over easily, as the models are quite top-heavy because of their wings.

The new Drukhari codex inspired me to update a few of my older Drukhari models. Actually, I didn’t remove the original bases but used 32mm base adapters, which I reviewed here. I also changed the colours of the rocks to the light sandstone I also use for the rubble on my Iybraesil bases and on my Wyldwood trees.

Here are the original models, painted over 8 years ago. I assembled them pretty much straight out of the box, though I got some spare wings so I could have a unit with a cohesive style of wings.

Drukhari Scourges from the Kabal of the Last Hatred

Hope you liked this glimpse in the past. Let me know in the comments below and make sure to leave a reaction!