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Here’s my work so far on the Foul Blightspawn. A Grenadier with a penchant for concocting foul diseases and spraying them over his foes. He came with Issue 12. Wow,  that’s three months I’ve been working on the miniatures from the Conquest publication. If you’re wondering why he’s hovering in the air, I’ll explain after the jump. 

With this miniature I thought I’d try and paint it all as one piece, instead of easier to paint sub-assemblies. My thinking is if I just leave him on the base and raise him up a little I’ll be able to paint the miniature upside down and reach all those tricky areas. It’s not worked out too bad to be honest. 

The Get a Grip Pro features a cork in it’s centre which is a really useful feature and the rotating, optional finger rest makes it easy to move the miniature around and paint those hard to reach areas whilst still not touching the mini and getting greasy fingers on the paint job or even scuffing the paint off by too much handling. I think I save so much time now not having to back over a paint job and reapply highlights my fingers have rubbed off. 

Garfy’s Get a Grips available to order with same day dispatch here or here for non UK buyers.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay