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A slight distraction from Necrons as I tie up loose ends. I’ve had this Eagle on my desk for a while now. The first Great Eagle I painted I took my time and painted each of the feathers individually with tiny lines, this time round I’ve carefully drybrushed the model. The look is slightly different but still quite pleasing. It’s gone from seven evening’s of painting right down to just three evening’s to paint.
Once the Great Eagle is complete (talons left to paint), I will complete my 6 Scarab bases and then I want to work on my Black Legion a bit more.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Here is the quick update: I post some of our readers models next week. Watch this space!
Fantastic eagle Garfy can't wait to see it all finished. Oh and when are you planning to do the Tale of Mega painters thing with the readers projects. Are you waiting to get more interest or are you busy reading through them all 🙂 Just a quick update would be nice if it doesn't bother you. Nice eagle again.
This looks great! The first bird is a *bit* better (mostly the last row of feathers which have lighter shades and more variation?) but for 4 evenings less, I'd say it is worth it 🙂 These tutorial/examples are great because I'm planning to paint these for my high elves as well.
Really love this model, its a lovely job you've done so far, I presume mainly dry brushing? Will there be a tutorial when its done?
that's very nice looking. I was thinking of using those eagles for my high elf army, they are much nicer than the ones marketed for the high elves.
I especially like hire you did the head feathers. I think I would be tempted to make them a brighter white because that's how they look in patriotic paintings but yours is much mite realistic looking.