Well I can’t put these off any longer. I’m going to get on and finish these so I can move on to other projects. Check out my bases and test model after the jump.
I sculpted the trees and roots myself in an attempt to make these models better. I used sand and slate to add more interest to the bases. I like the bases more than the actual models.
It was quite difficult finding film still references to paint these spiders accurately. In the film they’re shown in a dark, blue light which made it difficult to work out their colourisation. The Eavy Metal team pretty much just painted theirs black with some small highlights and minor colourings. Having spent a large amount of money on these I wasn’t prepared to just dry brush some greys on and call them done.
For my solution, I ended up following in my friend Cat’s footsteps. She’s a big fan of painting and using real life examples. So, that’s what I did. I found an awesome spider called the Brown Widow and replicated it’s colourings. I feel the new colour scheme and detailed bases are going a long way to improving these awfully basic and truly expensive models.
Quick question for you guys, should I do a tutorial for this scheme, or is it not film accurate enough to warrant a tutorial?
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Damn those are scary looking!
I would love a tutorial.
nice nice nice
Fantastic job as usual! A tutorial would be great!
I got my spiders at the $2 shop. Cheap plastic spiders with plenty of detail and variety. I may yet paint them. If I do, I'll certainly borrow ideas from your paint work, which is stunning as usual. Well done.
I really like the models bases they look incredible as for the spider not really film accurate as you said but it still looks very realistic.
Tutorial would be great.
Have you looked at warming the legs with water to re position them in more interesting poses?
These spiders ended up looking amazing and a tutorial would be great as it would work for any game that has miniature spiders in it.
Great work – by all means share your tutorial with us, I'm sure it will be useful!
Your tutorials are always appreciated. I am interested in how you did the legs, not just for these particular spiders but for miniature spiders in general.
Your colour scheme looks brilliant, really realistic. The bases add a lot as well. We all know GW prices are debatable sometimes, but these spiders are ridiculous.
I know you dislike these but they look amazing. Talking about making the best out of a bad situation!