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I painted the Tyranid Tyrannofex about a year ago with a whole bunch of other Tyranids. It was during this time that my wife also started taking a liking to the idea 40K, and now runs a Tyranid army. At some point I will try and post her army which she managed to paint head to toe in less than week. Its quite shocking as it was the first time she has ever painted and the models actually turned out looking pretty nice. So I have good feelings when it comes to Tyranids as I now have a sparring partner. Anyone have a husband/wife who they play against?
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Could you post a tutorial?
looking again, have you considered using gloss on the chitinous plates? to give it a more distinctive divide between the soft underbelly and the rock hard plates.
Hey Henry, thanks for the thumbs up. As I remember I used Vallejo satin varnish for the back plates. The photos are dating back quite a while to when the model first got released and my camera at the time was pretty awful. I kind of wish the photos I have are better. Makes me want to repaint the Tyrannofex again and photograph it new.
This is stunning! What colors did you use?
cheers for the nightmare juice Third! ive never genuinely been shocked by a model before, but the tearing visceral nature of the termagaunt brood mother or whatever its called made me think i wouldn't want to see that model again. your style lends itself well to Tyranids.
Holy crap, that thing is awesome. Looks so alien and organic.
I talked my wife JoJo into painting a Dark Angel for a review of the new paints. It's on this blog somewhere and she did a great job for a beginner. She's played a few games of the Hobbit as well which was fun.
Hey thanks Garfy :)I just looked up that article and it was a pretty fun read. I'm going to encourage my wife to write something when I show her work. Cool stuff.