This is once in a life time opportunity right here. If you want to know what’s going on, click more after the jump.
You read the title correctly, I’m selling my entire painted Hobbit collection in three eBay auctions that are live now (at the time of writing this 24.4.15). These are the models that feature in all the Tale of Painters painting tutorials and have been seen by tens of thousands of people on the blog.
The first auction is the complete Boxed Hobbit Game fully painted and includes a signed mini rulebook by Adam Troke.
The second auction is an impressive warband of all my evil models led by Azog. Anyone who knows this collection from the blog or White Dwarf will know every single model has been treated with care and attention to the point that everything is character standard.
The final auction is the force of good led by Legolas. These are models that don’t really fit together apart from them all being good. The eagles complement the elves nicely and
Earlier I mentioned this is a once in a life time opportunity. The reason being is the majority of this collection has been in three White Dwarf publications, including the coveted army of the month. So sure, you can ask a commission painter to paint all these models to a budget, but it’s a lot harder getting that commission painter to get them published in a magazine. This is that special! The bragging rights you’ll get at your local Games Workshop/gaming club will be incredible.
So go check them out, spread the word, share this on twitter, Facebook etc. Tag someone you know who’s interested. Thanks guys. Click this link to view the auctions.
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Even the Hobbit enthusiasts like Garfy are getting ride of their Hobbit stuff… What a sad life run this game has had…
Sad to see these go, but hopefully they'll go to a good home. RIP the Hobbit, too, it's a shame. Good luck with your auctions!
(You ARE going to keep your tutorials though, right..?)
'Tis a shame. I've really enjoyed your Hobbit tutorials these past couple of years as I never would have been able to make my Company of Thorin Okenshield look as spectacular without them. I had hoped to see more (like some Lake Town stuff), but such is life I suppose.
Good luck in your future endeavors. You truly are one of the beautiful people.
Wow, good luck! Its an amazing collection.
Are you still planning on painting the Smaug model you bought. Or has that project been scrapped? I've been eagerly awaiting it for months!
I still own a boxed smaug. I haven't made any plans.
It is a shame to see you get rid of these amazing models. I wish I could bid but they are too far out of my range. I dont know about others but selling them individually may make them more available (although it is a shame to break them up) I would happily spend £50 on a Garfy hobbit miniature.
I had Legolas for sale for £50 posted on a Facebook group. Sadly he's now part of this auction.
Personally if I was you, I would not sell this, unless you are in desperate need of money. I would never sell my own models. I have done something similar in my teens with a huge Marvel comic collection and always regretted it to this day.
I've sold so many armies. Never regretted it once in 15 years. It's because they're always replaced with newer better paint jobs.
I do regret giving away all my GW stuff when I was 16. That was silly.
Why are you doing this?
It's an unsupported game and I've peaked in this project. I've achieved exposure on the blog and White Dwarf. selling these doesn't take that away from me. It frees up shelf space and they're just sitting there. The Hobbit isn't my main interest.
I've recently sold all my Warhammer Fantasy models. I'm downsizing my hobby.