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I love these models a lot. They look so badass. I’ve converted the legs slightly by cutting at the hips and repositioning to create a more striding pose. I raised the front thigh and groin armour slightly. I used greenstuff to space out the torso and lift the chest up higher. I think they look even better now they have a bit of a waist and some movement.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Looking good there Garfy. Not 100% sure about how narrow the hips are though especially on the centre model. If the plates were a little higher like on the left one it wouldn't show.
Is anyone building these things with anything else other than grav cannons and amps?!
If I want heavy bolters and lascannons I'll use Devastators and predators. It just makes so much sense to give Devastator Centurions the weapon no one else can take.
The position is more dynamic result, the miniatures are more attractive in this position.
Many will make the same; converting miniatures.
I think you did a great job on what you had to work with. It is a huge improvement! They are imposing and menacing and will look great on the tabletop.
The one thing that I can't get past is the narrow hips and the feet with the outrigger supports. For some reason I visualize this thing walking like a wind-up toy robot. Where the feet have to carefully step one in front of the other otherwise it will fall over.
Like these little dudes:
Hey Garfy isn't that you in the upcoming WD we got a sneak peek of on the GW website? If so, congrats!
Yup. I'm the army showcase in October's White Dwarf. 😀
Awesome! Well done and well deserved!
Yep, like the poses a lot, good bit of inspiration for when I do mine.
Much better, good job there Garfy. Still can't say I like the models though.
Much much much better – poses really make the models ;-). Looks much more like the the artwork in their codex entry. Still can't believe that GW have made them so static!
But what fun would that be now it gives you mar room to be creative and make something unique
El Reevo
To think…they could have just made them this way in the first place!
Nice tweaks. Makes world of difference to the ol' power armor sandwiches there 😉
Very nice. I've been thinking about leaving the groin armor off mine (I'm assembling a few now) to reduce the sense of "immovable bulk" – to me it looks ok, but I'm hesitant because not sure if people would dig it or think I messed up 😛
Good call dude. Ive always thought all they needed was a little tweak in the legs and they would be fine. It was the lego man pose that put me off. Maybe this will be my next howling griffon project!
Waaaaaay better Garfy! That's how they should've been done in the first place. Really puts more life into them.