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​Hi everyone, happy new year! It’s Amy back again with another showcase of my Ogre collection. This time I am showcasing two of my character models, the Firebelly and Butcher! Click to view more!

As soon as I saw the Firebelly in the catalogue of models on the Games Workshop site I knew I had to buy him. What a beautiful sculpt it really is! I really enjoyed painting him and I am really happy with how he came out, I think he is quite possibly one of my favourite models I have ever painted!

Due to the ice scheme I already had going with my Ogres on their bases and their weapons, I thought this was a really good opportunity to create a really nice contrast between the fire and ice. I think it has come out really nicely, I’m sure he would melt a lot of ice with his fire breath! I achieved the flame by gradually blending up through whites, yellows, oranges, reds, and then I added some smoke to the edges using sponging of brown and black.

I would also like to take this opportunity to showcase another of my character models I have finished for my collection, the Butcher!

​I really enjoyed painting the Butcher. I used this opportunity to really make him look gritty and gruesome. I used Blood for the Blood God and sponged it on to create blood splatter on the metal of his weapon and his apron. I also added Typhus Corrosion on his clothes to make him look grimy.

I think the Ogre characters are really nice sculpts, and I thoroughly enjoyed painting them. I’d love to know what you think about them in the comments!