On today’s post I take stock of where I’m up to with my Soulblight Gravelords army by sharing the Black Knights, and there is also a picture of all units painted so far in a big army shot.

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I’ve had these Black Knights since Spring and I started them in the Summer, it wasn’t until Autumn when I finally finished them. It was a combination of several things getting in the way of painting them including reviewing products that Games Workshop would send me. It’s great getting new stuff to take a look at but it does get in the way of my hobby. It’s all good though.

I’m really happy with the paint scheme for the Black Knights. I just used my Ulfenwatch How To Paint Tutorial and translated it to these models. I think it’s pretty cool seeing the Military side of Ulfenkarn being brought back to life.

How to Paint Ulfenwatch Skeletons Tutorial
My Ulfenwatch Soulblight Gravelords army

Here’s my Vyrkos Dynasty so far. I haven’t thought about which units are the best to field I just used the models from Cursed City as a starting point and added Start Collecting Soulblight Gravelords and Flesh Eater Courts to it. I still have 10 Grave Guard and 10 Deathrattle Skeletons to paint but I also need to start thinking about what to buy next and I really need Dire Wolves. I also need to add more Deadwalker Zombies. It’s really taking shape though.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay